I'm Parker.


Source Code: https://github.com/parkr/merge-pr
Godoc: https://pkg.go.dev/byparker.com/go/merge-pr

This tool was built for one reason: merging a PR on GitHub isn’t a coherent enough paper trail for an open source project regarding changes made. No one in their right mind will look through the tens, hundreds, or thousands of pull requests that you’ve merged over the lifetime of your project.

Solution? Roll your process into an easy-to-use tool. merge-pr is that tool. It handles merging the pull request on GitHub, prompting you to update the CHANGELOG file (accepting several common filenames), and committing that change. All in one step. It’s pretty nice!

Check out the README for merge-pr if you’re interested in learning more about how you can use this tool for your projects.


merge-pr is licensed under the MIT License, copyright Parker Moore.